Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Mount Leuser National Park

Mount Leuser National Park is a representative type of coastal forest ecosystems, and tropical rain forest lowlands to the mountains.

Almost the entire area is covered by forest cover Dipterocarpaceae with several rivers and waterfalls. There are rare plants and typical of a giant umbrella leaf (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons), raflesia flower (Rafflesia atjehensis and R. micropylora) and Rhizanthes zippelnii which is the largest flower with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In addition, there is a unique plant that plants strangler fig.

Endangered and protected animals found in national parks, among others introspective / orangutan (Pongo abelii), gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus), the Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis), Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), wild goat (Capricornis sumatraensis), hornbill (Buceros bicornis), sambar deer (Cervus unicolor), and cat (Prionailurus bengalensis sumatrana).

Mount Leuser National Park is one established by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve. Based on the cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia, are also designated as "Sister Park" with Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia.

Some locations / attractions to visit:

Gurah. See and enjoy the natural scenery, valleys, hot springs, lakes, waterfalls, observing animals and plants such as flowers raflesia, orangutans, birds, snakes and butterflies.
Bohorok. Place orangutan rehabilitation and nature in the form of a panorama of the river, camping and bird watching.
Kluet. Boating on rivers and lakes, trekking on the coastal forest and caving. This area is the habitat of the Sumatran tiger.
Sekundur. Camping, caving and wildlife observation.
Ketambe and Suak Belimbing. Research primates and other wildlife researcher who comes home and library.
Mount Leuser (3,404 m. Above sea level) and Gn. Hazelnut (3,314 m. Above sea level). Climbing and mountaineering.
Alas river rafting. Rafting of Gurah-Muara Situlen-wave for three days.

Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)
Cultural attractions outside the Park include the Lake Toba Festival in June in Lake Toba and Malay Cultural Festival in July in Medan.

Best visiting season: June / d in October each year.

How to reach: Medan-Kutacane ± 240 km or 8 hours by car, Kutacane-Gurah / Ketambe within ± 35 km or 30 minutes by car, Medan-Bohorok / Bukit Lawang is ± 60 km or 1 hour by car, Medan- Sei Betung / Sekundur is ± 150 km or 2 hours by car, Medan-Tapaktuan is ± 260 km or 10 hours by car.

 Office: Jl. Raya Blangkejeren No. 37 Km 3
PO Box 16, Kutacane
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Tel. (0629) 21358; Fax. (0629) 21016
E-mail: tnglaceh@indosat.net.id


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