Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

1000 Island Jakarta

Many Jakarta residents who complained about the heat and the atmosphere of the city which is full of pollution. It is natural to see the conditions in Jakarta's increasingly crowded by humans. So no wonder that almost everyone who lived in Jakarta wanted to run away when the holidays arrive

Places of natural shades become ideal citizens of Jakarta for vacation , Usually they choose the cities around West Java is located not too far away

Perhaps not many people know that Jakarta had a place that has a beautiful charm like an angel: Thousand Islands. Yep, the Thousand Islands is a cluster of pearls are often not aware of its existence by the people of Jakarta. Yet in this area there are several islands that beauty is not inferior to the islands in eastern Indonesia. As information, the Thousand Islands have long names Thousand Islands Marine National Park where the region has an area of ​​about 108,000 ha. This area covers the tourist areas and conservation

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