Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

1000 Island Jakarta

Many Jakarta residents who complained about the heat and the atmosphere of the city which is full of pollution. It is natural to see the conditions in Jakarta's increasingly crowded by humans. So no wonder that almost everyone who lived in Jakarta wanted to run away when the holidays arrive

Places of natural shades become ideal citizens of Jakarta for vacation , Usually they choose the cities around West Java is located not too far away

Perhaps not many people know that Jakarta had a place that has a beautiful charm like an angel: Thousand Islands. Yep, the Thousand Islands is a cluster of pearls are often not aware of its existence by the people of Jakarta. Yet in this area there are several islands that beauty is not inferior to the islands in eastern Indonesia. As information, the Thousand Islands have long names Thousand Islands Marine National Park where the region has an area of ​​about 108,000 ha. This area covers the tourist areas and conservation

Takengon City, Aceh

Takengon town located in the central highlands, is a tourist destination in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Such natural beauty is hidden because it is in the middle of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Famous natural tourist attraction there is the Sea Freshwater Lake, which became the pride of the community Takengon. The majority of community activities around the lake as fishermen. Fish Depik [Rasbora Tawarensis], is a typical lake fish freshwater marine Central Aceh.

Many domestic and foreign tourists who come to Takengon, visit and stay around Lake Sea Fresh. Besides attractions Lake Tawar, there are other tourist attractions in the city of Takengon, like Cave Princess Pukes, Abstinence eggplant, hot water bath wih Pesam, Hill Eggplant (Peak Khafi), Goa Loyang Koro, Beach phon, Beach Ketibung Memorial Race Traditional horse [Evant is usually done on the day of independence]. At least there are 20 attractions that can be visited in the city of Takengon. Especially with regard to race the racetrack, the jockey usually school-age children. They are naturally skilled and brave without using a saddle, wearing only shorts and a T-shirt with tight riding.

Native of Takengon is Gayo tribe. They are the descendants of Batak Karo in North Sumatra. Any regional language different from the language areas of Aceh's population in general. Takengon air cool with outstanding natural beauty, and is in the Central Highlands region. Commodities seed marketed in Takengon are commodities that come from the central highlands, such as Gayo coffee (arabica coffee) famous are exported to Japan, America and Europe, tomatoes, passion fruit, vegetables, corn, chili and potatoes. passion fruit, tomatoes, peppers, corn, vegetables, Gayo tangerines, avocados, tobacco and resin.

In order to achieve this location, can be reached from the two areas, 1). Banda Aceh, From the terminal in Banda Aceh could Travle [L300] a fee of 75,000 rupiah directly to Takengon. Traveling approximately 6-7 hours drive. 2). Via Medan, from polonia ride motorcycles or taxi towards the Gajahmada, fees for Ojeks Approximately Rp. 25000-30000, with Taxi could reach Rp. 45000-55000. Gajahmada street pretty much the bus company that provides transportation services to Takengon. Costs required for to Takengon of the terrain around Rp. 150.000 [Bus Rapid Stool 2: 1] I recommend riding CV. Kurnia. Why? The fleet recently, a safe, smooth and comfortable really.

Arriving at Takengon, quite a lot of cheap inns, with a price range Rp.80.000 - 150,000 per night, there is also a fairly expensive hotel, the price range of Rp. 250000-400000 [Ringgali].

Rafting in Aceh , Alas River

Aceh has one challenging rafting location called the Alas River. The flow of this river divides the Gunung Leuser National Park, NAD. With grade 3-4, Alas River not only has a strong current, but also the sharp turns of adrenalin.

You who are beginners can navigate the Alas River in the city ranging from Muarasitulan Kutacane to Wave City. While you who are astute can try starting the Angusan. You will be treated to a beautiful natural scenery along the river, and even cross paths with wildlife drinking at the river bank.

Mount Leuser National Park

Mount Leuser National Park is a representative type of coastal forest ecosystems, and tropical rain forest lowlands to the mountains.

Almost the entire area is covered by forest cover Dipterocarpaceae with several rivers and waterfalls. There are rare plants and typical of a giant umbrella leaf (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons), raflesia flower (Rafflesia atjehensis and R. micropylora) and Rhizanthes zippelnii which is the largest flower with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In addition, there is a unique plant that plants strangler fig.

Endangered and protected animals found in national parks, among others introspective / orangutan (Pongo abelii), gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus), the Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis), Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), wild goat (Capricornis sumatraensis), hornbill (Buceros bicornis), sambar deer (Cervus unicolor), and cat (Prionailurus bengalensis sumatrana).

Mount Leuser National Park is one established by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve. Based on the cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia, are also designated as "Sister Park" with Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia.

Some locations / attractions to visit:

Gurah. See and enjoy the natural scenery, valleys, hot springs, lakes, waterfalls, observing animals and plants such as flowers raflesia, orangutans, birds, snakes and butterflies.
Bohorok. Place orangutan rehabilitation and nature in the form of a panorama of the river, camping and bird watching.
Kluet. Boating on rivers and lakes, trekking on the coastal forest and caving. This area is the habitat of the Sumatran tiger.
Sekundur. Camping, caving and wildlife observation.
Ketambe and Suak Belimbing. Research primates and other wildlife researcher who comes home and library.
Mount Leuser (3,404 m. Above sea level) and Gn. Hazelnut (3,314 m. Above sea level). Climbing and mountaineering.
Alas river rafting. Rafting of Gurah-Muara Situlen-wave for three days.

Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)
Cultural attractions outside the Park include the Lake Toba Festival in June in Lake Toba and Malay Cultural Festival in July in Medan.

Best visiting season: June / d in October each year.

How to reach: Medan-Kutacane ± 240 km or 8 hours by car, Kutacane-Gurah / Ketambe within ± 35 km or 30 minutes by car, Medan-Bohorok / Bukit Lawang is ± 60 km or 1 hour by car, Medan- Sei Betung / Sekundur is ± 150 km or 2 hours by car, Medan-Tapaktuan is ± 260 km or 10 hours by car.

 Office: Jl. Raya Blangkejeren No. 37 Km 3
PO Box 16, Kutacane
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Tel. (0629) 21358; Fax. (0629) 21016
E-mail: tnglaceh@indosat.net.id


Bambu Gila from Maluku

Mantra, frankincense, and seven strong men to fight against a piece of bamboo with a length of about 2.5 meters and a diameter of 8 cm an attractive scenery that you can enjoy while watching 'bamboo crazy' in Maluku. After watching this show, you will experience the supernatural which may rarely or never felt before. This dance is also known as the Reed Crazy or Bara Suwen. This performance can be found in two villages namely Liang, sub Salahatu, and the village of Mamala, sub Leihitu, Central Maluku district. In North Maluku province, the mystical attraction of this can be found in several areas in the city of Ternate.

To start the show handler burning incense in a coconut shell with a spell in the 'language of the land' which is one of the traditional language of Maluku. Then the incense smoke exhaled on bamboo poles to be used. If using the ginger is chewed by the handler with a chant and then sprayed into the bamboo. Incense or ginger function is to call the spirits of the ancestors that gave the mystical power of the bamboo. The spirits that make bamboo rods as if craze or shaken and the increasingly strong and difficult to control.

Typically, in a variety of attractions that involve a mystical air, humans are possessed by a mystical spirit but in this dance called mystical spirit transferred into the bamboo. When the handler chant repeatedly, the handler then shouted "Crazy, crazy, crazy!" Things crazy bamboo began. The music starts playing when the seven men who hold the bamboo began to feel the shock of bamboo crazy. Bamboo looks to move itself when the handler exhaling smoke and spitting ginger to bamboo sticks. The men who embrace bamboo began removing their power to control the strength of bamboo shocks. When the rhythm of the music started to be accelerated, bamboo dance to gain weight and strength in it. Things to do crazy bamboo fall swoon ended with the players in the arena show. The unique thing of this show, crazy bamboo mystical power will not go away just before being fed fire burned through the paper.

Bamboo used is a local bamboo. However, the process of selecting and cutting the bamboo is not arbitrary, because it takes a special treatment. The handler must first ask permission of the spirits that inhabit the bamboo forest. Bamboo is then cut by traditional customs. Bamboo is cleaned and washed with coconut oil and then decorated with fabric on each end. In the past, bamboo directly taken from Mount Gamalama, volcanoes in Ternate, North Maluku. Currently, bamboo dance crazy to learn and play outside the island of Maluku.

Crazy bamboo dance tradition is believed to have begun long before the Muslims and the Christians go to these islands. Currently mystical dance is performed only in a few small villages. Seeing this dance is a unique spiritual experience. Chanting the mantra of the handler and wasps drums create a show that can not be found elsewhere in the world. Especially if you come to dance with bamboo crazy, making this experience difficult to forget.

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

Surfing in Cimaja, West Java

If You are in Jakarta may be easier if you want to try surfing in this place, tidakj need to use aircraft, will be more cost effective than having to fly to Bali.

Cimaja beach in Sukabumi, West Java, can be used as an alternative weekend tourist destination. The distance is not too far from Bandung and Jakarta, it will not waste your time too long in transit. From Jakarta, this place is 120 kilometers while the Bandung beach is within 203 kilometers.

Panorama beautiful beaches plus big waves that make this place so favorite among surfers, both nationally and internationally .. even the occasional surf competitions were held, the national level is also a professional surfer. Therefore, this place is often called Bali its Sukabumi

Later, many who come and surf at the beach Cimaja start of tourist Europe, Australia and Japan. Cimaja also be a venue for surfing competisi as ASC.

Some surf spots in this area, including Sunset beach Karang Papak, Coral Hawu point, Karang Sari, Karang Aji, and the lodge is about 5 kilometers from Cimaja Point.

many local tourists from Jakarta who enjoy a weekend in the port of the queen and take advantage of the moment to surf as a substitute for his work, it may occasionally try to exercise this most popular of America.
To Do

Resting comfortably while menikamti sunset and playing on the beach and enjoy views of the bay menakjubkan.belajar surfing with a local expert, Indonesia surfing republic or jimmy bhestonmengunjungi Roro Kiduls Nyai room at Samudra Beach Hotel, Room 308.mengunjungi hot water bath (cipanas) passable to rejuvenate the body.

Natuna Island

Nature - Natuna Island - Riau Islands

Natuna Islands cluster also has beautiful scenery, with a panoramic view of the coast that is still awake d beauty.

Natuna so beautiful and has a lot of potensi.Pengunjung can find beaches, such as Cape Coast, Coastal Sebagul, Selahang Gulf Coast, Coastal Setengar, and so on. A number of locations even become a favorite place for snorkeling enthusiasts, observers turtle habitat and underwater lovers

Natuna Island is a district of Riau Islands. The island is located in the South China Sea between Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Vietnam and Cambodia. To reach the island of Batam Island Natuna to be crossed by ship passengers to Tanjung Pinang for 1 hour, and from Tanjung Pinang use small aircraft to a special service AU in Ranai, Natuna Island

Group of islands in the northern province of Riau Islands was called. Land and sea is rich in minerals, such as quartz sand, natural gas, and petroleum.

In the waters of the sea that contained natural wealth in the form of fish and other marine life. Not to mention the beauty of the beach and the beauty of the coral reefs are very charming. For citizens Natuna Natuna Besar Island and the small islands around it is more commonly referred to as Bunguran.

According to legend, the first inhabitants of the island Natuna Besar is Demang Megat. Once there was a boy who carried away a piece of wood. The boy was, according to the story, comes from Siam (Thailand). At that time the island has not been named.

Sea water washed wood was then mendamparkannya on an island. Either on the strength of which the child suddenly changed big and hairy. He then called Demat Megat. By Wan Tarhusin, residents Natuna which tells the legend, Demat Megat also has the power and magic.

Demat Megat, who became the first inhabitants of the island of Natuna Besar, then married a daughter of the Kingdom of Johor named Engku Fatima. At that time Engku Fatimah was sailing towards Natuna Islands cluster and then landed on the beach island of Natuna Besar.

Under a large tree on the island that's named bungur Engku Fatima met with Demang Megat. Because each captivated, they later married and lived on the island. From the name of the tree where the meeting between Fatima and Demat Megat Engku that land or island was then called Bunguran.
It runs lasting marriage and a blessing for Engku Fatimah. Previously he had been married 40 times, but not long after marrying her husband always died. Only joint demat Engku Fatimah Megat marriage can be sustained.

By the Kingdom of Johor, then the title of Datuk Megat Demang Rich. "The title was awarded for the first time, and the title of the highest degree,"

The diversity that makes Natuna become richer. Not only because of its natural resources and all potential maritime be grace, but also the wealth of the people who inhabit the background. History, legend, and the name later became the background which makes what is happening now more entrenched.

Generally, legend tells of meeting a variety of ethnic groups in a new and nameless. The Natuna, is currently meeting the increasingly gets more meaning because the encounter cultures, tribes, and nations, which of course is expected to further enrich the Natuna.
